Enshrined 1993
Charles Miller was born in Cleveland, Ohio. A Marine flier in World War II, he became a flight testengineer, anexperimental test pilot, then a safety researchdirector, lecturer and writerfor a major university. But he is best known as a world authority on aircraft accident investigationand prevention. Formerly a director of the Bureau ofAviation Safety,National Transportation Safety Board, he pioneered human factors engineering and developed"system safety" as a recognized technical discipline. Many of hisinnovative safety concepts are now standard operating practice inthe aerospace and other industries.Miller has received numerous honors for his work, among them The Laura Taber Barbour AirSafety Award, Flight Safety Foundation DistinguishedService Award, and the International Safety AcademySafety Hall of Fame. In 1974 he founded System Safety, aconsulting firm based in Sedona, Arizona, which specializes inadvisory and educational services designed to prevent accidentsby integrating safety management skills.