Enshrined 1997

Born on November 27, 1899 in Pueblo, Colorado, A. Lee Moore held a love for aviationthroughout his life. His parents moved to Phoenix in 1904 where he resided until his death in 1974.Having learned to fly in 1928 Moorebecame one of the early pioneer Arizona aviators, accumulating over 7,000 hours in his log book.With Barry Goldwater, he bladed thefirst dirt runway at the airport we now know as Sky Harbor Airport. He was also a key figure inlocating both Luke and Williams ArmyAirfields in the Phoenix area in 1940-41. Early in World War II he flew submarine hunting missionsout of Mississippi. Later during1944-45 he served as a flight instructor for British Cadets learning to fly at Falcon Field. The quality of hisinstruction brought him accoladesfrom pilots in combat. When not flying, Moore was a mortician. Seeing the need for transportingcritically ill or injured people fromArizona's remote areas to hospitals, he established the first Air Ambulance service in the Southwest. Wheneverthere was an illness or injury inany part of Arizona it became standard practice to call for A. Lee Moore and his airborne ambulance. Moore was afounding member of the PhoenixAviation & Airport Commission on which he served for 27 years.